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The Tekinawane school was a hut made of branches, unserviceable in sandstorms and during the rainy season; teachers were poorly paid and school furniture was lacking.

Thereafter, the school had two class-rooms built out of banco (dried mud or adobe) and financed by the French NGO Targuinca. The building, too light and poorly maintained, collapsed during the latest rainy season (August 2009). It will urgently need to be replaced by a sturdier construction.

A sister association, « L’école de Jonathan », takes care of paying for the meals in the school cafeteria and financing the construction of a warehouse for storing food supplies.

Our association has a budget for boarding two teachers and paying them a wage supplement. To cover this budget six "godmothers" are committed to pay € 15 per month each.

The school of Adjangafa had one class-room built out of hard materials, but owing to the growth of the school-age population a second class-room had to be built, and we did finance its construction (9.000 €).

The teachers' wage supplement is financed by an Italian NGO. We have built lodgings for the two teachers.

The picture below shows the newly built class-room financed by Azawagh.

Our friends Marie-Françoise De Munck and Ali Nono are opening a "boarding-school" at Tchintabaraden for pupils from the villages of Tekinawane and Adjangafa who want to go on with secondary schooling.

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